Generally speaking, the maximum amount of fat that can be removed with the liposuction procedure is 5000 ml. That's about 11 pounds on the scale. In reality, this amount is quite significant. So imagine two and a half liters of soda from the grocery store.
Technically, you can get rid of this amount of fat (in most cases). Liposuction is not a weight-loss procedure. Only small amounts of weight can be removed during liposuction because of the risks of the procedure. Liposuction can only eliminate the fat that is under the skin, not the internal fat that surrounds our organs and is more important in medical problems related to obesity.
If you're carrying an extra 50 pounds, your skin has stretched to adapt to the weight. Liposuction causes some skin retraction, but it can't tighten loose, hanging skin. This problem must be treated with direct excision, usually with a tummy tuck or a body lift. It's important to note that liposuction is a cosmetic procedure and not a procedure for weight loss.
You'll lose some fat and weight, yes, but think of liposuction more as a body contouring tool to help eliminate persistent fat that's resistant to a healthy diet and exercise. Liposuction surgery also doesn't treat cellulite or solve body weight problems. Liposuction is a procedure that directly removes fat from the body. It results in weight loss, but you'll notice a loss in inches, even more.
You'll lose weight, but the best way to judge your results is by how you look, how your clothes fit, and the number that appears on the measuring tape, not the scale. That said, most patients lose an average of 5 pounds of fat with this procedure. As with any cosmetic surgery procedure, an in-person exam with a plastic surgeon is the best way to determine realistic expectations. However, there is a simple maneuver that the patient can perform to determine how much fat can be removed from an area.
The patient must use their thumb and index fingers to pinch the tissue in the area of possible liposuction. The thickness of the tissue is a good representation of the volume of fat in the area and, consequently, of the amount of fat that can be removed to reshape the area. The weight of the fat extracted is generally only 1 to 2 pounds per area and is not as important as the volume of fat removed from the area. Cosmos Aesthetics performs megaliposuction procedures using Vaser liposuction (ultrasound) if considered to be the best option for the patient.
While liposuction permanently removes a certain amount of fat cells (cells that will never come back), it's true that you can still gain weight after liposuction. Megaliposuction can remove up to 10 liters of fat. To give you an idea of what's possible, take a look at some before and after photos of megaliposuction, here's an example;.